Source code for partition_problem

#!/usr/bin/env python

Functions to solve the
`partition problem <>`_
and non-standard partition problems.

We implement greedy, brute force and Karmarkar-Karp algorithms.

In the standard problem, we attempt to divide a set into two subsets,
such that the difference between the sums of the subsets is minimised.

In the non-standard problem, the function to be minimised is
arbitrary - it isn't simply the difference between the sums of the two subsets.


from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division

import sys
import warnings

from itertools import chain, combinations
from bisect import insort


__author__ = "Andrew Fowlie"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2015"
__credits__ = ["Luca Marzola"]
__license__ = "GPL"
__maintainer__ = "Andrew Fowlie"
__email__ = "Andrew.Fowlie@Monash.Edu.Au"
__status__ = "Production"


[docs]def powerset(list_, half=False): """ The set of all subsets, i.e. the powerset, of a set. See `itertools <>`_ and `wiki <>`_. .. warning:: A powerset of a set includes the empty subset and the set itself. :param list_: A list for which a powerset is desired :type list_: list :param half: Build half the powerset - the missing half is contained in \ the complement :type half: bool :returns: Powerset of original list :rtype: itertools.chain :Example: >>> list(powerset([1, 2, 3])) [(), (1,), (2,), (3,), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3), (1, 2, 3)] >>> list(powerset([1, 2, 3], half=True)) [(), (1,), (2,), (3,)] """ if half: max_r = int(len(list_) / 2) # Round down else: max_r = len(list_) combs = (combinations(list_, r) for r in range(max_r + 1)) return chain.from_iterable(combs) ###############################################################################
[docs]def non_standard_brute(list_, measure_fn): """ Solve a non-standard partition problem by brute force. :param list_: List of elements of any type :type list_: list :param measure_fn: Function for measure to be minimised for two sub-sums :type measure_fn: function :returns: Sums of two subsets, chosen such that measure minimised :rtype: list :Example: >>> non_standard_brute(example_list, example_fn) [194.45, 194.31] """ sum_list = sum(list_) min_measure = None for subset in powerset(list_, half=True): sum_1 = sum(subset) sum_2 = sum_list - sum_1 measure = measure_fn(sum_1, sum_2) if min_measure is None or measure < min_measure: min_measure = measure sums = [sum_1, sum_2] return sums ###############################################################################
[docs]def non_standard_greedy(list_, measure_fn): """ Solve a non-standard partition problem with a "greedy" algorithm. .. warning:: A "greedy" algorithm may not return the optimal solution. :param list_: List of elements of any type :type list_: list :param measure_fn: Function for measure to be minimised for two sub-sums :type measure_fn: function :returns: Sums of two subsets, chosen such that measure minimised :rtype: list :Example: >>> non_standard_greedy(example_list, example_fn) [195.31, 193.45000000000002] """ sum_1 = 0. sum_2 = 0. for item in list_: # Assign item to subset such that affect on measure is minimal trial_1 = sum_1 + item measure_1 = measure_fn(trial_1, sum_2) trial_2 = sum_2 + item measure_2 = measure_fn(sum_1, trial_2) if measure_1 < measure_2: sum_1 = trial_1 else: sum_2 = trial_2 sums = [sum_1, sum_2] return sums ###############################################################################
[docs]def greedy(list_): """ Divide elements into two approximately equal subsets with a "greedy" algorithm. Order the elements then assign elements to the smallest subset. .. warning:: A "greedy" algorithm may not return the optimal solution. :param list_: A list of positive numbers :type list_: list :returns: Minimum difference between sums of subsets :rtype: float :Example: >>> greedy(example_list) 8.46 """ list_ = sorted(list_, reverse=True) diff = 0. for item in list_: if diff <= 0.: diff += item else: diff -= item return abs(diff) ###############################################################################
[docs]def KK(list_): """ Divide elements into two approximately equal subsets with the Karmarkar-Karp algorithm also known as the Least Difference Method. .. warning:: This algorithm may not return the optimal solution. :param list_: A list of positive numbers :type list_: list :returns: Minimum difference between sums of subsets :rtype: float :Example: >>> KK(example_list) 0.14000000000001078 """ list_ = sorted(list_) while len(list_) > 1: diff = list_.pop() - list_.pop() insort(list_, diff) return list_[0] ###############################################################################
[docs]def brute(list_): r""" Divide elements into two approximately equal subsets with a brute force algorithm. .. warning:: This is complexity :math:`\mathcal{O}(2^n)` - this could be very slow. :param list_: A list of positive numbers :type list_: list :returns: Minimum difference between sums of subsets :rtype: float >>> brute(example_list) 0.13999999999998636 """ if len(list_) > 20: warnings.warn("Large powerset - consider an alternative strategy") sum_ = sum(list_) diff_subset = lambda subset: abs(sum_ - 2. * sum(subset)) diff_set = map(diff_subset, powerset(list_, half=True)) diff = min(diff_set) return diff ###############################################################################
[docs]def prune(CKK_branch): """ Decorator that prunes search tree in the complete Karmarkar-Karp algorithm by stopping branches that cannot yield an improvement. :param CKK: A call for a branch in CKK algorithm :type branch: function """ def pruner(list_, branch=False): """ Preliminary aspects of complete Karmarkar-Karp algorithm, including checking whether to prune a branch. :param list_: List of elements :type list_: list :param branch: Whether a branch in a CKK search :type branch: bool :returns: Result of :func:`branch` possibly halted :rtype: float :Example: >>> CKK(example_list) 0.13999999999998414 >>> CKK(example_list) 0.13999999999998414 """ if len(list_) == 1: return list_[-1] if not branch: # Sort branch and reset minimum, if necessary list_ = sorted(list_) pruner.min = float("inf") return CKK_branch(list_) elif pruner.min < list_[-1] - sum(list_[:-1]): # Prune branch return pruner.min elif pruner.min == 0.: # Optimum solution reached return pruner.min else: # Find minimum in branch and track minimum of all branches min_branch = CKK_branch(list_) pruner.min = min(pruner.min, min_branch) return min_branch pruner.__name__ = CKK_branch.__name__ return pruner
[docs]def CKK(list_): """ Divide elements into two approximately equal subsets with a complete Karmarkar-Karp algorithm. :param list_: A list of positive numbers :type list_: list :returns: Minimum difference between sums of subsets :rtype: float """ # Replace maximum two numbers by their difference and their sum in two # branches diff = list_[-1] - list_[-2] sum_ = list_[-1] + list_[-2] del list_[-2:] sum_tree = list_ + [sum_] diff_tree = list_[:] insort(diff_tree, diff) return min(CKK(diff_tree, branch=True), CKK(sum_tree, branch=True)) ###############################################################################
[docs]def solver(list_, algorithm="CKK"): """ Wrapper for possible partition solving algorithms. :param algorithm: Choice of algorithm :type algorithm: string :returns: Minimum difference between sums of subsets :rtype: float :Example: >>> solver(example_list, algorithm="brute") 0.13999999999998636 """ this_module = sys.modules[__name__] try: diff = getattr(this_module, algorithm)(list_) except AttributeError: print("Unknown algorithm: %s" % algorithm) raise return diff ###############################################################################
[docs]def non_standard_solver(list_, measure_fn, algorithm="non_standard_brute"): """ Wrapper for possible non-standard partition solving algorithms. :param algorithm: Choice of algorithm :type algorithm: string :param measure_fn: Function for measure to be minimised for two sub-sums :type measure_fn: function :returns: Sums of two subsets, chosen such that measure minimised :rtype: list :Example: >>> non_standard_solver(example_list, example_fn, ... algorithm="non_standard_brute") [194.45, 194.31] """ this_module = sys.modules[__name__] try: sums = getattr(this_module, algorithm)(list_, measure_fn) except AttributeError: print("Unknown algorithm: %s" % algorithm) raise return sums ###############################################################################
if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest example_list = [1.4, 10.1, 19.55, 11.71, 51.7, 122.1, 11.9, 25.1, 13.2, 22.7, 51.4, 37.8, 10.1 ] example_fn = lambda sum_1, sum_2: abs(sum_1 - sum_2) doctest.testmod(extraglobs={'test': example_list, 'example_fn': example_fn })